
Despite the 13-year-old minimum age for using social media, an increasing number of children are present on these platforms. Some of them have managed to gather a significant number of followers by sharing daily content on their profiles. These so-called kidfluencers have become desirable partners for commercial brands, seeking to promote their products to children and their families. Although many children today aspire to be a kidfluencer, there are several concerns related to kidfluencer marketing, such as privacy concerns and/or the potential to be exploited by brands or parents. Furthermore, the influence of kidfluencers on their audience, particularly children, should not be underestimated. Due to lack of advertising literacy, children may be vulnerable to the materialistic messages that kidfluencers promote.

This research topic is currently part of the PhD research of Elisabeth Van den Abeele, which is being supervised by Liselot Hudders, and Ini Vanwesenbeeck.
