Foreign and international news studies

globe.jpgResearcher(s) (CIMS)

Daniel Biltereyst

Stijn Joye


CIMS has a long tradition of research within the field of international and foreign news reporting, drawing on content analysis, audience research and in-depth interviews. This line of research has resulted in a number of (inter)national projects, keynote presentations and publications.

Selection of publications

Biltereyst, D., Peeren, Y., & Van Gompel, R. (1999) Internationaal en buitenlands nieuws: een venster op de wereld? Mediagids - Boek en Pers.

Biltereyst, D. (2001) Global news research and complex citizenship, in Hjarvard, S. (Ed.) News in a Globalized Society, pp. 41-64. Kopenhagen: Nordicom.

Biltereyst, D. & Joye, S. (2005) Voorspelbaar buitenland. Analyse van de buitenland- en de internationale berichtgeving van de VRT- en VTM-journaals in 2003, in Hooghe, M. De Swert, K. & Walgrave, S. (eds) Nieuws op televisie. Televisiejournaals als venster op de wereld, pp. 157-174. Leuven: Acco.

Joye, S. & Biltereyst, D. (2007) All quiet on the ... ? Een analyse van het buitenlandaanbod van VRT en VTM, in Hooghe, M. De Swert, K. & Walgrave, S. (eds) De kwaliteit van het nieuws. Kwaliteitsindicatoren voor televisieverslaggeving, pp. 71-84. Leuven: Acco.

Biltereyst, D. & Desmet, L. (2010) One Day of Foreign and International News. Reconsidering the Paradox of Parochialism and the Shrinking News Agenda, pp. 195-217 in J. Gripsrud & L. Weibull (eds.), Media, Markets and Public Spheres. European Media at the Crossroads. Bristol: Intellect Books // Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Joye, S. (2010) Around the world in 8 pages? A longitudinal analysis of international news coverage in Flemish newspapers (1986-2006). Gent: Academia Press.

Velders, K., Joye, S., Biltereyst, D., Bonte, T. & Delcart, E. (2013) (Un)covering Poland between PR and presidency. A quantitative content analysis of print news coverage of the Polish EU presidency in Flanders, Central European Political Studies, 3, pp. 109-120.

Selection of projects

Steunpunt Media (2012-2015)

Media coverage of the EU presidency

Who cares? Audiences and mediated distant suffering

Alternative news media

The media (de) construction of disasters

Nazi Newsreels in Occupied Belgium '1940-1944'