Stijn Joye

Campus UFO - Technicum (ground floor T1), Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Ghent
+32 (0)9 264 68 92
+32 (0)474 75 24 19
Stijn Joye & Eduard Cuelenaere
Stijn Joye is an Associate Professor at the Department of Communication Sciences (UGent) and member of the Centre for Cinema and Media Studies (CIMS), Center for Journalism Studies (CJS), Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees (CESSMIR) and the previous Health, Media & Society (HM&S) research consortium. He was a lecturer at Erasmus University Rotterdam (the Netherlands), Sichuan University’s summer school program (China), and a Visiting Fellow at London School of Economics and Political Science (UK). His areas of research include international news media with a focus on the representation of suffering alongside an interest in issues of domestication and colonial heritage. Another line of research focuses on sequential filmmaking and the practice of artistic imitation in film. In 2006, he was awarded the IAMCR Prize in Memory of Herbert I. Schiller. Joye is Associate Editor of ‘International Communication Gazette’, book review editor of ‘Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research’, former chair of ECREA’s ‘International & Intercultural Communication’ section, vice-chair of ECREA’s TWG on the ‘Ethics of Mediated Suffering’, and Board member of NeFCA (The Netherlands-Flanders Communication Association) where he is also vice-chair of the ‘Intercultural Communication & Diversity’ division. He is currently head of the Study Programme Committee of Communication Sciences at UGent
A full list of publications can be consulted here: Stijn Joye
Research Tracks
Research CIMS
Who cares? Audiences and mediated distant suffering