Seminar 'The certified cash register and flexibility in the Hotel, Restaurant and Café Industry' | 19.10.2017
- In Dutch – Original title: 'Witte kassa & flexibiliteit in de horeca'
- Slides
Closed seminar 'Abuse and social fraud. Does ordinary law offer solutions?' | 29.03.2017
- In Dutch – Original title: 'Misbruik en sociale fraude. Biedt het gemeen recht oplossingen?'
- See the project 'Abuse of law'
Second IRIS Summerschool | 13-14.08.2014
- 'The fight against cross-border fraud at a supranational level: feasibility, desirability and necessities, best practices and lessons for social fraud'
Workshop on similarities and differences between the (inspection) services in the fight against social and fiscal fraud | 14.05.2014
- In Dutch – Original title: 'Workshop gelijkenissen en verschillen tussen de (inspectie)diensten betrokken in de strijd tegen sociale en fiscale fraude'
- Workshop in cooperation with the Social Intelligence and Investigation Service (Sociale Inlichtingen- en Opsporingsdienst/Service d'information et de recherche sociale – SIOD/SIRS)
Seminar 'Triangular Labour Relations' | 21.11.2012
First IRIS Summerschool | 23-24.08.2012
Seminar 'Joint and several liability within social law' | 25.06.2012
- In Dutch – Original Title: 'Hoofdelijke Aansprakelijkheid doorheen het Sociaal Recht'
- Programme
- Slides (Part 1 – Part 2)
The official installation of IRIS | 5.07.2011
- Speech Carl Devlies the then State Secretary for the Coordination of the Fight against Fraud
- Speech dr. Jan van Laarhoven the then Secretary-General of the Benelux
- Speech prof. dr. Yves Jorens Director IRIS
In addition to events of its own, IRIS/members of IRIS also actively contributed to the following events:
Netlex Conference 2018 'Making the rights real for workers' | 27-28.03.2018
- Slides prof. Jorens: Enforcement cooperation at EU level: up to the European Labour Authority
Thematic review workshop on data mining for more efficient enforcement - European Platform tackling undeclared work, Helsinki | 01-02.06.2017
- Slides Dirk Gillis: Fraud and error and the need for cross-border information exchange
'Promoting decent work on the European labour market. Better compliance and enforcement.' | 08-09.02.2016
- More information and documents
- Slides prof. Jorens: The multidisciplinary approach: the need for cooperation
Benelux Conference 'The role of regional cooperation in the European fight against social dumping' | 30.11.2015 – 01.12.2015
Benelux Seminar Social Dumping | 23.09.2015
- At this seminar Bart Tommelein, the then State Secretary for the Fight against Social Fraud, announced the Benelux recommendation on social fraud:
- The recommendation in English [translation by IRIS]
- The recommendation in the Benelux Official Journal (2015, No 4): NL - FR
'Lunch briefing on atypical employment in aviation', ECA, Brussels | 27.03.2015
- Slides Dirk Gillis and Lien Valcke: 'Atypical forms of aircrew employment in the European aviation industry - with a focus on self-employment'
Conference 'Atypical forms of aircrew employment in the European aviation industry', Paris | 12-13.02.2015
- Slides Professor Jorens: Atypical employment in the aviation sector: a European overview [See also the report Atypical Forms of Employment in the Aviation Sector]
'Underground economy', seminar by the Centre for Policing & Security | 13.03.2014
- Slides Professor Jorens and Dirk Gillis: 'Sociale fraude: een complex fenomeen met een nog complexere controle?'
BLUS colloquium 'The fight against social fraud, labour exploitation and human trafficking: challenges and solutions at national and EU level' | 19.12.2013
- In Dutch/French – Original Title: 'De aanpak van sociale fraude, arbeidsuitbuiting en mensenhandel: uitdagingen en oplossingen op nationaal en EU-niveau' / 'La lutte contre la fraude sociale, l'exploitation au travail et la traite des êtres humains: défis et solutions aux niveaux national et européen'
- Programme [in Dutch]
- Slides Professor Jorens: 'De strijd tegen sociale fraude: balanceren op een slappe Europese koord' [in Dutch]
[See also Jorens, Y., The fight against social fraud: balancing on a European tightrope. The Belgian example., European Journal of Social Law (2013) 4.]