Defended PhD's Public International Law and Maritime Institute

  • VAN ROY Ward (Belgium)
    Application of remote measurements for compliance monitoring and enforcement of SO2 and NOx emissions under MARPOL Annex IV.
    Promotor: F Maes, 28/09/2023
  • RONG Zhenzhen (China)
    The Public Trust System as a Means to Advance Ecological Restauration in China
    Promotor: A. Cliquet, H. Schoukens, 8/02/2023
  • MORA Paul (UK)
    The Barriers in International Law to Transnational Human Rights Litigation Involving Allegations and Torture.
    Promotor: T. Ruys, 18/02/2022
  • MASHINI Cleo (Congo)
    La régulation du commerce international des espèces de faune sauvage: quelle contribution pour la conservation de la biodiversité et pour la lutte contre la criminalité faunique?
    promotor: A. Cliquet, 25/06/2021
  • SIRAKAYA Aysegül (Turkey)
    A Balanced System for Access and Benefit-Sharing of Genetic Resources.
    Promotor: A. Cliquet, 19/05/2021
  • LIU Yang (China)
    The protection of transboundary watercourses under international biodiversity law.
    Promotor: A. Cliquet, 16/12/2020
  • TURKUT Emre (Turkey)
    Human Rights at the Margin: an Analysis of Turkey’s Post Coup Derogation Measures.
    Promotor: T. Ruys, 09/11/2020
  • SOETE Anemoon
    The international legal personality of island states permanently submerged due to climate change effects.
    Promotor: F. Maes, 26/10/2020
  • MAKGILL Robert (New-Zealand)
    Sustainable Development and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM): A Comparative Analysis of Regulation within the European Union and the Performance Based Management in New Zealand.
    Promotor: F. Maes, 22/10/2019
  • HOFER Alexandra (The Netherlands)
    Countermeasures and Sanctions by non-injured States and International Organisations - Customary Law and Practice.
    Promotor: T. Ruys, 13/09/2019
  • FERRO Luca
    Third-State Assistance to Parties in a Non-International Armed Conflict: What Role for the Principle of Non-Intervention?
    Promotor: T. Ruys, 29/05/2019
  • DERUDDER Thary
    Protection of underwater cultural heritage in the North sea.
    Promotor: F. Maes, 16/01/2019
  • WILLAERT Klaas
    Moderne piraterij: vergelijkende analyse van de bestrijdingsstrategieën, het juridisch kader en de vervolging en bestraffing in de Golf van Guinee en rond de Hoorn van Afrika.
    Promotor: F. Maes, (E. Somers), 19/12/2018
  • SCHOUKENS Hendrik
    The integration of European Environmental Quality Standards into Spatial Planning: towards more rules of more flexibility?
    Promotor: A. Cliquet, F. Maes (co-promotor), 13/09/2017
    Biodiversity and Gender: Toward Stronger Legal Obligations.
    Promotor: A. Cliquet, 30/06/2017
  • KYRIAZI Zacharoula (Greece)
    Martime Spatial Planning.
    Co-promotor: F. Maes, 22/06/2017
  • MUMBALA ABELUNGU Junior (Congo)
    Le droit international humanitaire et la protection des personnes civiles en situations de conflits armés (étude de cas de protection des enfants en R.D.C.).
    Promotor: A. Cliquet (E. Somers), 28/02/2017
  • STEVENS Frank
    The Legal Position of the Party Holding the Bill of Lading.
    Promotor: E. Van Hooydonk, 18/01/2017
  • NTIRUMENYERWAMIHIGO Blaise-Pascal (Congo)
    De la nécessite d’une fiscalité écologique internationale pour protéger les réserves forestières du bassin du Congo-application du principe pollueur-payeur.
    Promotor: A. Cliquet, 31/05/2016
    The Meaning of Democracy in International Law. A Study on State Practice Within the United Nations.
    Promotor: F. Maes, 04/03/2015
  • MIAO He (China)
    A Rights-based Approach to Conserve Protected Areas: A Comparison Between the EU and China.
    Promotor: A. Cliquet, 26/11/2014
  • DE MOOR Nicole
    International Migration and Environmental Change: Legal Frameworks for International Adaptive Migration.
    Promotor: A. Cliquet, 06/10/2014
  • PING Chen (China)
    A Comparative Legal Study of Emissions Trading Systems in the EU and in China.
    Promotor: F. Maes, 26/06/2014
  • QIN He (China)
    Combating Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing: A Comparative Study between European and Chinese Law.
    Promotor: F. Maes, 26/06/2014
  • NTUMBA BWATSHIA Nicole (Congo)
    Le droit à la santé de la reproduction en République Démocratique du Congo. Une analyse d’anthropologie juridique: cas des Baluba du Kasai.
    Promotor: E. Somers, 16/06/2014
  • MURILLO CHAVARRO Jimena  (Columbia)
    The human right to water: a legal comparative perspective at the international, regional and domestic level.
    Promotor: F. Maes, 11/06/2014
  • TABALA KITENE Faustin (Congo)
    Le statut des sanctions contre les changements anticonstitutionnels de gouvernement dans les textes et la pratique de l’Union Africaine. Contribution à l’étude de la production des normes par les organisations internationales.
    Promotor: E. Somers, 04/12/2013
  • COPPENS Jasmine
    Migrants at Sea: A Legal Analysis of a Maritime Safety and Security Problem.
    Promotor: E. Somers, 30/05/2013
  • BISSCHOP Lieselot
    Governance of transnation environmental crime: Case study research on the illegal trade in e-waste and tropical timber.
    F. Maes 2013
  • XIANG Wen (China)
    Risk Governance of GMO’s in the EU and China.
    F. Maes, A Cliquet, 2013
  • MOREL Michèle
    The right not to be displaced in international law.
    Promotor: F. Maes, 14/11/2012
  • ALHONGO Engboko (Congo)
    Usage de la force armée au Congo: 1996-2002.
    F. Maes, 16/10/2012
  • LIU Nengye (China)
    Prevention of Vessel-Source Pollution, A Comparative Study between EU and Chinese Law.
    Promotor: F. Maes, 03/09/2012
  • ZAND Joseph (Iran)
    International Law and Non-State Armed Groups: A Legal Analysis of Kurdish Revolts.
    Promotor: F. Maes, 29/08/2012
  • GOETEYN Nils
    Decision-making, Compliance and International Environmental Governance: a Legal Analysis.
    Promotor: F. Maes, 27/08/2012
    Situational Crime Prevention in the International Supply Chain. The Cost of Alternative Measures.
    E. Somers, 05/06/2012
  • OLUDURO Olubayo (Nigeria)
    Oil Exploration and Human Rights Violations in Nigeria’s Oil Producing Communities.
    E. Somers, A Cliquet, 21/05/2012
    The United nations and regional organisations in the field of international peace and security.
    F. Maes, 2012
  • KOUPOKPA E. Tikonimbe (Togo)
    Le modèle constitutionnel des états d’Afrique noire francophone dans le cadre du renouveau constitutionnel : le cas du Benin, du Niger et du Togo.
    E. Somers, 29/08/2011
  • DOUVERE Fanny
    Marine Spatial Planning: concepts, current practice and linkages to other management approach.
    Promotor: F. Maes, 2010
  • GONSAELES Gwendoline
    EC Competence in Decision-Making, Implementation and Enforcement of International Maritime Regulations (2vol).
    Promotor: E. Somers, F. Maes (copromotor), 17/12/2009
  • SEGIHOBE BIGIRA Jean-Paul (Congo)
    Le partenariat pour les forêts du bassin du Congo entre non-droit et droit.
    E. Somers, F. Maes, 18/03/2009
  • WAMBUA Paul Musili (Kenia)
    Governance of forgotten province: a critical appraisal of the policy, legal and institutional frameworks for the control and management of marine resources within Kenya's maritime zones.
    E. Somers, F. Maes (copromotor), 05/03/2009
  • ZOU LIN (China)
    Limitation of liability in maritime law.
    E. Somers, F. Maes, A. Cliquet, 15/10/2008
  • BILLIET Carole
    De bestuurlijke sanctionering van het milieuhygiënerecht. Juridische aspecten.
    A Cliquet, 4/7/2008
  • ZEGS Zegbe (Congo)
    Le Recours à la force comme moyen de règlement des conflits entre les Etats africains. Un moyen efficace?
    E. Somers, F. Maes, A. Cliquet, 29/05/2008
  • LUMUMBA Patrick Loch Otieno (Kenya - Naïrobi)
    The Exclusive Economic Zone: A Study of the Approaches for its Utilization and Control with Specific Reference to the Kenyan Exclusive Economic Zone.
    E. Somers, F. Maes, A. Cliquet, 27/05/2004
  • DE DECKER Marc
    Juridische aspecten van codificatie en harmonisering van de Europese internationale rivierenregimes.
    E. Somers, F. Maes 2003 (UA)
  • BARUTI-Likoyi (Congo)
    La facilitation du trafic maritime Congolais et la privatisation des ports maritimes de la République Démocratiques du Congo. Eléments d'étude pour un meilleur rendement des ports de Matadi, Boma, Banana et Ango- Ango.
    E. Somers, F. Maes, 13/12/2001
    Activities Affecting Archaeological and/or Historical Valuable Shipwrecks in International Waters, Public International Law and what it offers.
    E. Somers, F. Maes, 06/12/2001
    Natuurbehoud in het mariene en kustzone milieu. Overzicht en analyse van de juridische mogelijkheden, met  bijzondere aandacht voor het mariene en kustzonemilieu van België.
    E. Somers, F. Maes, 26/01/2001
  • WANJALA Smokin (Kenya)
    Humanitarian Intervention in International Law: Normative Frontiers after the Cold War.
    E. Somers, F. Maes, 10/02/2000
  • MTAKI Cornel K. (Tanzania)
    Legal Aspects of Environmental Protection in Tanzania: the Case of Industrial Waste Management.
    E. Somers, F. Maes, 22/02/2000
  • MAPUNDA Benedict Thomas (Tanzania)
    The Law of the Sea in Tanzania: An Assessment of the Implementation of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.
    E. Somers, F. Maes, 2000
  • JUMA Ibrahim H. (Tanzania)
    Protection of Marine Environment from Land-Based Sources of Pollution: Matching Tanzanian Domestic Law to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
    E. Somers, F. Maes, 2000
  • MAES Frank
    Protection of the North Sea against pollution caused by shipping. International rights and duties of states, with particular attention to European state practice.
    E. Somers, 1996