Bachelor and Master courses
Migration Law (Master of Laws in Laws)
European and international migration law and policy (Master of Laws in Laws, Master of Laws in European Union Law, Master of Laws in International Business Law, Master of Laws in International and European Law, International Master of Science in Advanced Research in Criminology (IMARC))-
Human Rights and Migration Law Clinic (co-lecturer) (Master of Laws in Laws, Master of Laws in international and European law, Exchange Programme in Law)
Law and Society (Bachelor of Laws in Laws, Master of Science in Criminological Sciences, Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology, Bachelor of Arts in Moral Sciences, Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy)
- Street Law Migration Law (Master of Laws in Laws)
- Research Module III: Global Discourse and Narratives of Crime (International Master of Science in Advanced Research in Criminology (IMARC))
- Global Minds (co-lecturer) (Ghent University Elective Course)
Training initiatives
- Practice-oriented courses of the Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees (CESSMIR) (in Dutch)
- Children in a migration context. A holistic and interdisciplinary perspective (2017, 2018, 2021)
- Future-oriented work with/for undocumented migrants (2021, 2023)
- ‘Global legal and ethical aspects of migration’, Honours Programme Think & Talk (2021)
- Summer school 'Health and Migration', UGent (2019)
- Introduction to Migration Law, Banaba Intercultural Management (CIMIC), Thomas More University College (in Dutch) (2018 and 2020)
- Davidsfonds Academie