
You can find an overview of the courses in bachelors and masters with a link to ECTS-description in the course catalogue, sorted by professor. For more information on the courses, click here.

Prof. dr. Stanislas Adam

  • B001718 EU Competition Law
  • B001800 The EU and the US Constitutional Orders Compared

Prof. dr. Jacques Bourgeois

  • B001757 EU Trade Policy

Prof. dr. Inge Govaere

    Jean Monnet Chair in EU Legal Studies

    • B001665 Europees recht
    • B001705 recht van de EU externe betrekkingen
    • B001706 recht van de EU interne markt
    • B001528 Moot Court European Law

    Prof. dr. Erwan Lannon

    • B001748 EU and the wider world: Americas, Africa and Asia
    • B001696 EU Institutional Law
    • B001239 EU Enlargement and Proximity Relations
    • B001362 Constitutional aspects of EU integration

      Emeritus Prof. dr. Marc Maresceau

        Jean Monnet Chair Ad Personam in EU Legal Studies

        • B001367 Recht van de gedifferentieerde EU-integratie

        Prof. dr. Guillaume Van der Loo

        • B001757 EU Trade Policy

        Prof. dr. Peter Van Elsuwege

        Jean Monnet Project EU@Home

        • B001326 Inleiding tot het Europees en internationaal recht
        • B001367 Recht van de gedifferentieerde EU-integratie
        • B001691 The Autonomous EU Legal Order
        • B001818 Contemporary Issues of International and European Law
        • F000623 Inleiding tot het EU-recht
        • K001273 Europees recht
        • B001801 LLM Lecture Series
        • B001238 Seminar: foreign chair