11-02-2025 12:00
Infosessie 'Exploring Career Opportunities for Young Researchers at the United Nations'
12-02-2025 17:00
Lezing 'Masterclass International Francqui Chair Prof. Jean-Marc Dewaele'
Blandijn, Zaal Camelot, 3.30, Blandijnberg 2, 9000 Gent
12-02-2025 19:30
Lezing 'Antisociaal gedrag door de bril van Darwin '
VC Geuzenhuis, Kantienberg 9, 9000 Gent
13-02-2025 10:00
Lezing 'Dilemmas and Dreams of Decolonization: Mobility and Internationalism in East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean''
Paviljoen Vandenhove, Rozier 1, 9000 Gent
13-02-2025 12:00
Infosessie 'Sirona Technologies: Brussels-based Direct Air Capture start-up'
13-02-2025 19:00
Lezing 'Culture vs. the state, the state vs. culture. A talk with Viktor Yerofeyev on today’s Russia and Russian culture'
Auditorium 4 Jaap Kruithof, Blandijnberg 2, 9000 Gent
13-02-2025 20:00
Lezing 'Wat we toen al wisten'
Universiteitsbibliotheek, Rozier 9, 9000 Gent
18-02-2025 12:00
Infosessie 'Boston Consulting Group: A career beyond your PhD? Beyond is where we begin.'
18-02-2025 12:30
Studiedag 'Understanding and filtering supraharmonics'
UGent Campus Kortrijk, Graaf Karel De Goedelaan 5, 8500 Kortrijk
18-02-2025 17:30
Rethink Law: Think Legal Tech
De Krook, Zaal Blauwe Vogel, Miriam Makebaplein 1, 9000 Ghent
18-02-2025 19:30
Happening 'Wetenschapscafé: Cybersecurity. Laat je niet vangen'
Atelier Nooitgedacht, Hendrik Consciencestraat 36, 8500 Kortrijk
19-02-2025 09:00
Studiedag 'Social services across a contested divide: Transnitrian case'
Campus Dunant OR online, Henri Dunantlaan 2, 9000 Ghent
20-02-2025 10:00
Lezing 'Multispecies Colonialism: Locusts and Humans in Colonial Burundi'
Paviljoen Vandenhove, Rozier 1, 9000 Gent
20-02-2025 12:00
Infosessie 'Seco Belgium A Legacy of Innovation in Construction'
20-02-2025 14:00
Workshop 'Meet the PhD jury - Young stock management in cattle herds'
Class room Ambulatory Clinic (DI08) - Room nr 0.3, D4 - Entrance 4 or 52, Salisburylaan 133, 9820 Merelbeke
21-02-2025 16:00
Happening 'Legal Techathon'
Tech Lane Ghent Science Park (Campus Ardoyen, iGent), Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 126
22-02-2025 10:00
Opendeur 'Bezoekdagen homes'
Onthaal Home Vermeylen, Stalhof 6, 9000 Gent
27-02-2025 12:00
Infosessie 'Johnson & Johnson: Career opportunities within R&D'
27-02-2025 15:00
Lezing 'Fenneke Sysling - Plague outbreaks, postmortems and resistance in colonial Indonesia'
Paviljoen Vandenhove, Rozier 1, 9000 Gent
27-02-2025 18:30
Lezing 'Occupation: Russian rule in South-Eastern Ukraine'
Auditorium E, Campus UFO Technicum, T2 (second floor), Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Gent
06-03-2025 12:00
Infosessie 'CTRL-F: From Handshakes to Headlines: Mastering the Game of Professional Networking'
11-03-2025 12:00
Infosessie 'Navigating Belgium’s rights to work and live in Belgium: A Comprehensive Overview for International Job Seekers'
12-03-2025 09:00
Studiedag 'Forumdag: Oorlog en bevrijding'
Universiteitsbibliotheek, Rozier 9, 9000 Gent
13-03-2025 10:00
Lezing 'Béatrice Touchelay - Que nous apprennent les statistiques coloniales? Approches croisées sur les colonies belges et françaises, XIX-XXe siècles'
Paviljoen Vandenhove, Rozier 1, 9000 Gent
18-03-2025 19:30
Happening 'Wetenschapscafé: Een bloemlezing over bijen'
Atelier Nooitgedacht, Hendrik Consciencestraat 36, 8500 Kortrijk
27-03-2025 12:30
Happening 'Inspiratiefestival'
Campus Coupure, Blok E, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent
27-03-2025 16:00
Happening 'Ecomarkt & Vinted on campus'
Cafetaria en Restaurant Campus Coupure, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent
23-04-2025 11:00
Symposium 'A role of the midcingulate cortex in sustained behaviour'
Leslokaal 4.5, Henri Dunantlaan 2, B-9000 Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
29-04-2025 09:30
Symposium 'Mind the Body! Towards Embodied Strategies and Participatory Musicking in refugee accommodations.'
Gele zaal in Royal Conservatory of Antwerp, Desguinlei 25, 2018 Antwerpen
17-05-2025 17:00
Lezing 'Varoujan lecture 2025: Annihilating Leadership: The Destruction of Elites in the Armenian Genocide and Beyond'
Paviljoen Charles Vandenhove, Universiteit Gent, Rozier 1, 9000 Gent
20-05-2025 08:00
Symposium 'Crop protection'
Campus Coupure, Coupure links 653, 9000 Ghent
06-10-2025 08:00
Symposium 'AI & training - Friend of foe?'
ORSI, Proefhoevestraat 12, 9090 Melle