Marjolein Vanoppen
The main projects she is currently working on are:
- The Interreg IMPROVED project, which focusses on increasing the sustainability of the industrial water chain. The focus lies on the development of a mobile testing infrastructure, which will be used for on-site testing at industrial partners. The end quality of the water, especially in relation to steam production and corrosion, from different source waters and the required technology to produce this end quality are tested in the infrastructure.
- The ISPT Condensate project focusses on the treatment of boiler feed water. The project aims are threefold: increased insight in the fate of conditioning chemicals in steam-water cycles, improved steam conditioning and condensate polishing and treatment and improved knowledge on harmful effects of different organic carbon components, in relation to boiler feed guidelines.
- The REvivED project, which aims at the development of energy efficient and economically feasible desalination systems for brackish water and seawater applications.
Her general research interests are:
- Industrial water treatment
- Desalination
- Physico-chemical water treatment
- Membrane technology
Office: 6.023
Phone: +32 (0)9 264 99 11