Masters dissertation awards 2023


The department of Architecture and Urban Planning granted masters dissertation awards on the 22nd of April 2024 to students that obtained their degree as master in engineering: architecture in 2023. The awarded dissertations are an anthology of the rich variety of research at the department. Professors involved in the programme selected five dissertations, each excellent and intellectually stimulating for specific reasons.

Monument Rehab: Strategic Design for the Rehabilitation of the Old Courthouse Ghent as a Public Monument in the City
Warre Delaplace & Jesse Ghyssaert

Making transnational homes: women with Turkish migratory background (re)build their houses in Wondelgem.
Silke Jacobs & Lamia Kocaman

Architectuurcultuur in Vlaanderen. Van pionierswerk tot hoogtij 1983 - 2000.
Inigo Custers

Inheriting Mennes : sewarage and urbanization in the Antwerp Agglomeration``.
Francis Schoups

Building B at Ghent University Hospital. An analysis of the potential for reuse of building components and materials. Enabling dismantling for reuse by rewriting the universities tendering specification.
Lune Boret & Karen Steukers

Dissertations that were granted awards elsewhere, were not taken into account due to the high amount of outstanding work. Nicolas De Wispelaere was granted the Vlaamse Scriptieprijs, with his dissertation 'Rève de la nage métropolitaine : vproposals for metropolitan swimming facilities in Brussels'. Gentiel Acar received for his work 'The reusability of insulation materials from existing buildings: specific research on mineral wool insulation from flat roofs' the SECO-award, the ie-net-price and the NBN Sustainability award.

All dissertations can be consulted through the library of Ghent University.