Publication of The Baroque in Architectural Culture, 1880-1980

The edited volume The Baroque in Architectural Culture 1880-1980 has appeared with Ashgate; editors are Andrew Leach, Maarten Delbeke and John Macarthur. The book collects 20 essays that trace how the modern historiography of the baroque has affected 20th-century architectural culture, by making available historical models, and by providing a historical framework that could be mobilized to legitimize modern architecture. The book is one of the outcomes of the eponymous research project supported by the Australian Research Council. Other results include themed issues of the journals Journal of Architecture and Oase, to which Maarten Delbeke and Dirk De Meyer have contributed.

Project Info

Research group: Theory and History of Architecture
Start date: 2014
Researchers: Maarten Delbeke, Andrew Leach and Dirk De Meyer

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