Approval of the curriculum

Approval of the curriculum

After submitting your curriculum for approval, the Curriculum Committee will evaluate your curriculum. This could take up to a few weeks, since there are many curricula that have to be checked. Do not contact the programme coordinator if you did not yet receive any feedback on your curriculum. If there is a mistake in your curriculum, we will inform you via your UGent email address, so check your emails regularly!


There are two possibilities:

  • Your curriculum has been approved: you will receive an automatic email on your UGent email address with the notification that your curriculum has been approved. After receiving this email, you will need to check your curriculum one last time in Oasis. If you agree with your curriculum, you tick the box in front of your programme and click ‘approve curriculum’. If you notice any errors in your curriculum, contact the programme coordinator immediately via
  • Your curriculum has not (yet) been approved: you will receive an email on your UGent email address with the notification that your curriculum cannot be approved. This email will also mention the reason for the rejection (for example: an elective course is missing). If the reason is not mentioned in the email, you can look it up in Oasis by clicking on ‘edit curriculum EB’ and then on ‘curriculum history’. You will have to edit and submit your curriculum again, making the necessary changes as mentioned in the email. Do not forget to also re-submit your curriculum for approval.