Career perspectives

Where do our alumni work? 

First of all, economics is a broad discipline, our alumni work in a wide variety of sectors and organizations, both in Belgium and abroad. Economics graduates can be found in organizations with a need for economic experts with a solid analytical and econometric training. The financial sector (banks, insurance companies and central banks) for example recruits economists for various types of jobs, from credit analysis to business cycle research to asset management. Quite some economists start their career in policy advisory services. This typically gives them exposures to a wide range of economic problems and commissioning organizations, from governments to corporations and to non-profit organizations. Moreover, many economics graduates find a job in governmental organizations, international institutions, or social partners (e.g., trade unions and employers’ associations). In governmental organizations they typically hold positions related to economic and socio-economic policy (policy analysis, preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation). A number of specific examples are chief economist of a bank, economic analyst at the National Bank, policy advisor to the Flemish Government, investment specialist in an asset manager or environmental economist at an NGO. Other economic graduates opt for a career in education or continue in academic research, in Belgium or abroad. Each year, several masters in economics enter a PhD program and successfully complete their PhD, which opens yet another set of career opportunities.

First time jobs and employers

Economics is a broad discipline, our alumni work in a wide variety of sectors and organizations, both in Belgium and abroad:

Financial sector

  • recruits economists
  • credit analysis
  • business cycle research
  • asset management

Governmental organisations

  • chief economist of a bank
  • economic analyst at the National Bank
  • policy advisor to the Flemish Government
  • investment specialist in an asset manager
  • environmental economist at an NGO

Career in education

  • PhD

Some examples of first time employers:



What after graduation?

VEK Career Day

Each year, one of our student associations VEK organises the VEK Career Day. The VEK Career Day presents a wide amount of companies from numerous industries. Are you someone who is still not sure where to grow your career to, or are you someone who does? Are you looking for a business school or does an internship seems to fit you? On this day you get the chance to ask all your question to the recruiters of the attending companies. This will you give you the chance to determine the next step in your young career.

Apply for a PhD

Obtained your master diploma and want to continue your studies at the FEB? The faculty grants admission to the PhD and, upon successful defence of the PhD dissertation, awards the PhD degree. PhD students are supported by their supervisors, who provide individual research coaching, as well as by the Doctoral Schools, which offer training in research.