History of the collection L30
During the 1960s, the collection of the Seminar Library of Dutch Literary Studies - which initially had only about ten bookshelves - expanded considerably. Driving forces in this were Antonin van Elslander, Ada Deprez, Frans Dambre and Tuur Van Wallendael, among others.
In 1966, Agnes Gelaude was appointed library manager. During the 1970s, the collection grows steadily. Werner Waterschoot replaced Tuur Van Wallendael as the person responsible for the catalography. He creates the main sheets and is responsible for the subdivision and numbering of the works. Waterschoot is also responsible for a large part of the collection development (e.g. Oscar Dambre's library). Based on his personal expertise, he often acts as an appraiser. The 1980s are characterised by savings. However, the bulk of the budget is still spent on the purchase of books. In 1986, the electronic library system Aleph is introduced.
In the early 1990s, the library changes its name: the Seminar Library of Dutch Literary Studies is renamed 'Department Library of Dutch Literature Studies and General Literary Studies'. There is a democratic system of collection development. As a result, the section library has a fairly balanced collection.
In the autumn of 2011, the collection was transferred to the newly founded Faculty Library of Arts and Philosophy. Part of the collection was stored in the depot (mainly less topical works).