Faculty library of Arts and Philosophy


Rozier 44
9000 Gent
View on Google Maps
09 331 33 75 (Magnel)
09 331 33 89 (Loveling)

Mon 22-Jul-2024 -
Tue 23-Jul-2024 -
Wed 24-Jul-2024 -
Thu 25-Jul-2024 -
Fri 26-Jul-2024 -
Sat 27-Jul-2024 -
Sun 28-Jul-2024 -
Mon 29-Jul-2024 09:00-17:00
Tue 30-Jul-2024 09:00-17:00
Wed 31-Jul-2024 09:00-17:00
Thu 01-Aug-2024 09:00-17:00
Fri 02-Aug-2024 09:00-17:00
Sat 03-Aug-2024 -
Sun 04-Aug-2024 -

Voor studentenFor students

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Vlnr. Mieke Matthyssen en Chinese gastlectrice Linghong Li - © UGent, foto Hilde Christiaens For researchers

All about your collection and how the library can support you in your teaching or research assignment.

Voor secundair onderwijsFor secondary schools

Would you like to use the faculty library as a teacher or pupil? You can find all the details here.

Voor externenFor external visitors

Want to borrow books? Or request a tour? We collected all the information for external people.