In de kijker
okt 4
Workshop 'Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning: A Sustainable Marriage between Language Learning and Language Technology?'
Campus Mercator, room A1.04, Abdisstraat 1, 9000 Ghent
okt 4
Symposium 'Oog Op Oorsprong'
Belvedère van de Boekentoren, Rozier 9, 9000 Gent
okt 7
Infosessie 'Brownbag session: Doing research in authoritarian environments'
Technicum, T1, 3.1 (UFO Campus), Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat, 9000 Gent
okt 8
Lezing 'Bibliodiversity in History: Studying Fashion Magazines in Nineteenth-Century'
Campus Boekentoren, Blandijnberg 2, 9000 Gent
okt 4
IVESS: Intelligent Vocabulary and Example Selection for Spanish vocabulary learning
Degraeuwe, Jasper
okt 4
Collaboration and participation in science-media interactions: a linguistic ethnographic analysis of a citizen science project on air quality
Verkest, Sofie
okt 7
La autonomía indeseable. El valor de las nuevas novelas francesas de Biblioteca Breve frente al poder franquista (1955-1962)
Guerra Blázquez, Miguel Ángel
okt 10
High-tech and Sensorimotor Skill Acquisition in Instrumental Music Learning
Michalko, Aleksandra