Voor studenten
Voor toekomstige studenten
sep 9
Studiedag 'Misdaadfictie in de Lage Landen in transnationaal perspectief'
Campus Mercator - lokaal A104, Abdisstraat 1, 9000 Gent
sep 13
Workshop 'Meet the PhD Jury: Manuscripts studies from material aspects to critical editions'
Campus Ufo - leslokaal Pirenne , Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 35, 9000 Gent
sep 23
Lezing 'New Perspectives on Early Modern Studies'
Universiteitsbibliotheek, Rozier 9, 9000 Gent
sep 24
Workshop 'Humans, spirits and nature: Performing Kayamba healing rituals, forests and coastal ecology in Kenya'
Faculty Board Room (1st floor), Blandijn 2, 9000 Ghent
sep 9
Beyond the Letter: (Self-)Presentation of Basil of Caesarea in his Letters, Letter Collection, and Manuscripts
Zoeter, Matthijs
sep 10
Rubens in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: Studies on Reproducibility between 1877 and 1977
Bonne, Griet
sep 11
Body Pose(d): Body Posture in Seventeenth-century Dutch Male Portraiture
Lybeer, Aagje
sep 12
The Sound of a Shared Intimacy. A Phenomenological Research into Sound(ing) and Listening in Performance Practices
Persyn, Leonie