Guided tours and instruction sessions

Teachers can book a guided tour or an instruction session on information literacy or Research Data Management for their students. Below is an overview of our sessions and tours.

Are you interested in offering such a guided tour or instruction session as part of a course and/or would you like more detailed information about the content of the sessions?

Please contact the Training & Support Team at

Guided tour

The LW Faculty Library offers guided tours which aim to quickly familiarize participants with the location, services and functioning of the library, as well as the location of specific collections.

Instruction session information literacy

The instruction sessions on information literacy are interactive sessions where students are guided through the information landscape and learn how and where to efficiently search for scientific literature.
We offer three packages:

  1. In the library instruction for a first research assignment (90 minutes), students are introduced to what scientific literature is and where to find it. Through theory and short assignments, they are taught basic skills to search for scientific literature.
  2. In the library instruction for a bachelor's thesis/master's thesis (120 minutes), there is a more in-depth focus on the platforms where students can find scientific literature, and more advanced search skills are covered, again through theory and short assignments. The session also includes the use of reference managers.
  3. It is also possible to create a custom package where teachers can select which learning objectives and assignments should be included.

Instruction session Research Data Management

For several years now, a 'Research Data Management Plan' has become an integral part of every project proposal submitted to national and international funding bodies such as FWO or the European Horizon program. In this instructional session for master students, we discuss the importance of a DMP, how it aids in the writing of the actual project proposal or research mandate, do we provide tips and tricks for data management and do we practically illustrate how to make a DMP.