Research Iedereen Digitaal – Scientific monitoring and research of the ‘Iedereen Digitaal’ action plan
- Action plan ‘Iedereen Digitaal’
- Digital inclusion
- Local digital inclusion policy and program
- Practice- and policy-oriented research
Abstract project
By 2024, the Flemish department of domestic governance (ABB) wants every local government to have a local digital inclusion policy and program. This should ensure that citizens can acquire internet access, skills and support in using essential internet services in their immediate environment. However, until now it is unclear how this aim can be implemented in practice. Research group mict (ugent) and smit (vub) are therefore conducting a monitoring and policy research.
1. The monitoring focuses on a process evaluation of the development and implementation of local digital inclusion policies and programs (not on their impact). Success and failure experiences, learning lessons and needs rooted in the practice of local authorities will be mapped out. These learning lessons and needs will then be linked to the support from the Flemish government, as well as VVSG, Mediawijs and Inter.
2. The policy research part aims to provide answers to larger issues related to digital inclusion at the (inter)national level. For example, it will be investigated what the role is of local authorities in digital inclusion in other European countries or how return-on-investment of digital inclusion initiatives can be assessed.
3. Finally, policy- and practice-oriented recommendations will be formulated and validated starting from the monitoring and policy research. Results will be disseminated to local and Flemish authorities and organizations working on digital inclusion in Flanders.
We at imec-mict-UGent try to contribute to a more digital inclusive society
Partners: imec-smit-vub, Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur
Duration: 2,5 years