Ben Robaeyst
Researcher at the research group for Media, Innovation and Communication Technologies, Department of Communication Sciences, Ghent University.
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Smart cities
Urban innovation
City of People
Ben Robaeyst started as a junior researcher in April 2018. He began his higher education with a bachelor in Secondary Education: History and Ethics (Hogeschool Gent, 2015). Afterwards he continued his education by graduating as a master in Communication Sciences with specialization in New Media and Society (Ghent University, 2017). As a researcher Ben has experience and expertise in projects for societal value creation by conducting living lab-and design thinking methodologies in order to collaborate with local stakeholders.
Within the last two years at MICT, Ben was active on a wide variety of thematic projects regarding innovative interfaces in order to solve the problem of loneliness with elderly citizens, virtual-reality storytelling, climate neutral investments in civilian properties and innovative interfaces to support people with learning disorders during the job application period.