David de Segovia

Junior researcher at the research group for Media, Innovation and Communication Technologies, Department of Communication Sciences, Ghent University.

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Individual differences
Mental wellbeing
Longitudinal modelling
Quantitative research methods

David de Segovia is a Junior Researcher at the imec research group for Media, Innovation and Communication Technologies at Ghent University since September 2021. He obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Complutense University of Madrid (2017) and a Master’s Degree in Behavioural Science Research from Radboud University in Nijmegen (2020). In his master’s thesis, he compared different statistical approaches to model longitudinal associations between personality and mental health.

He joined mict to pursue a PhD under the supervision of Prof. dr. Mariek Vanden Abeele as part of the ERC DISCONNECT project. In his PhD project, he combines different data sources, including smartphone log data and ecological momentary assessments, to gain insights into people’s digital wellbeing.