Floor Denecker

Junior researcher at the research group for Media, Innovation and Communication Technologies, Department of Communication Sciences, Ghent University.

Smartphone use
Media multitasking
Executive functions
Time distortion
MobileDNA application


In September 2018, Floor Denecker started her 6-month internship at imec-MICT-UGent  to fulfil her master degree in Experimental and Theoretical Psychology at Ghent University. She worked with the MobileDNA application to examine (1) whether people can estimate correctly the duration of their daily smartphone use, (2) the changing multitasking environments due to the upsurge of the smartphone, (3) whether multitasking activity can be seen as a determinant of time distortion and (4) the influence of smartphone use in the school context. In combination with her thesis ‘lexical mimicry and prosocial behaviour. Can a mimicry benefit be found towards a third person?’, she obtained her master degree in June 2019.

In October 2019, Floor started as research and teaching assistant for the New Media & Society learning path within the communication sciences department, supervised by prof. Lieven De Marez and prof. Koen Ponnet. This function is combined with PhD research that will use the MobileDNA application to gain further insight in the effects of smartphone use, in different contexts, on different types of productivity and different facets of wellbeing.

