Jamil Joundi

Junior researcher at the research group for Media, Innovation and Communication Technologies, Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Product Design, Ghent University.


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Smart products
User experience
Industrial design
Human-computer interaction


Jamil Joundi is a junior researcher at the research group mict. He obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design (Ghent University, 2016) and a Master’s degree in Industrial Design (Ghent University, 2017).

His master’s thesis focused on the use of Virtual Reality, as a tool for fashion designers. In collaboration with several fashion design companies in Belgium, Jamil conducted user tests in different contexts with a functional prototype.

After working as a designer at a design bureau, he joined imec-mict-UGent in March 2018. In his latest research project he analyses user feedback on the factory work floor to capture implicit and explicit knowledge via technology. He is also engaged in the Matti project. He is interested in the development of smart products with focus on usability.

