Martijn Clarysse

Junior researcher at the research group for Media, Innovation and Communication Technologies, Department of Communication Sciences, Ghent University.

Martijn Clarysse




Emerging technologies
Wearables and insideables
Technology acceptance
Computational Social Science
Quantitative data analysis

From February through April 2020, Martijn gained his first experience at imec-mict-UGent as a research intern, to obtain his Master’s degree in Communication Sciences: New Media & Society. Under supervision of dr. Anissa All, he conducted user research aimed at the development of an innovative ePortfolio to support workplace learning in healthcare education (see SCAFFOLD project). During the summer after his graduation, he was also involved in the IoT Chef-project as a student worker, where he conducted and analyzed a survey aimed at identifying user requirements of a smart kitchen. For his master’s thesis, Martijn studied the relation between smartphone use, self-control and academic performance in higher education students in Flanders. He was also involved in a project working parallel with the ‘Inclusion in 4D’-project by City of People, developing an innovative tool to help students with learning disorders find an internship. In October 2020, Martijn started as a research and teaching assistant for the department of communication sciences, assisting methodological courses. In this function he also conducts research aimed at obtaining a doctoral degree. In his research, he studies the transition from wearable to implantable technology and questions people on how they perceive these emerging technologies.
