Tim Theys

Junior researcher at the research group for Media, Innovation and Communication Technologies, Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Product Design, Ghent University.

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UX design
Quality of experience
Industrial design

Tim graduated in 2021 with a masters degree in Industrial Design Engineering (@Ghent University). During these studies, he spent one semester abroad at Valencia Polytechnic University. After completing his master he specialized in UX design by obtaining the ‘professional diploma in UX design’ from the UX Design Institute (linked to the Glasgow Caledonian University).

In February 2022, Tim joined the mict research group as a PhD student. Currently, he’s cooperating as UX (user experience) researcher/designer on the 'SolidLab Vlaanderen' project. Solid is an exciting new project led by Prof. Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web. The project aims to radically change the way Web applications work today, resulting in true data ownership as well as improved privacy. Tim’s goals are making Solid transparent, improving the quality of experience and increasing data engagement.
