Prof. dr. Peter Mechant
Professor and senior researcher at the research group for Media, Innovation and Communication Technologies, Department of Communication Sciences, Ghent University.
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Social media
Human data interaction
Human computer interaction
Digital technologies
Peter Mechant holds a PhD in Communication Sciences from Ghent University (2012) which focused on interactivity in a Web 2.0 context and posited a conceptual framework to explore how software enables and constrains agency and engagement.
Until mid-2005 Peter worked as an ICT-project coordinator for an e-business firm. He studied several scripting and programming languages during and after this period. After joining mict, Peter has been mainly working on a variety of research projects related to e-gov (open and linked data), smart cities, social software and online communities.
As senior researcher, he is involved in managing project proposals on a European, national as well as regional level and he helps expanding and enhancing mict’s offering towards the scientific research community. Peter currently works as coordinator on the SOLIDLab-project which investigates how the use of personal data pods can be facilitated and as guest professor for the Master New Media & Sociey.