Prof. dr. Ralf De Wolf
Professor at the research group for Media, Innovation and Contemporary Technologies, Department of Communication Sciences, Ghent University.

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Online self-disclosure
Social media
Children and teens
Ralf De Wolf is an assistant professor in New Media Studies at the Department of Communication Sciences, Ghent University, Belgium.
He holds a master in Sociology (2009), a teachers degree in Political and Social Sciences (2010), and a PhD in Media and Communication Studies (2015). Between 2011 and 2015 he was a junior researcher within the user research unit of imec-SMIT-VUB, where he studied the social aspects of online privacy and security in the context of social network services. In the summer of 2015 he joined CEPEC, where he was coordinator of a project that studied minors’ advertising literacy in relation to new advertising formats. In September 2016 he joined imec-MICT-UGent.
Ralf’s current research focuses on privacy, data-driven technologies and media literacy, combining media sociology and a Science and Technology Studies perspectives. He is also lecturer-in-charge for the courses New Media Studies (Master New Media and Society) and Media & Ethics (Bachelor Communication Sciences) and co-lecturer for Digital Methods (Bachelor Communication Sciences).
Ralf is also involved in the Flemish Knowledge Centre Data & Society that investigates legal, ethical and societal aspects of artificial intelligence and data-driven applications. His work is published in leading journals in the field, such as New Media & Society, European Journal of Cultural Studies, Computers in Human Behavior, and International Journal of Communication.