Cultivation and processing of duckweed as alternative protein crop in Flanders - LemnaPro
Project Summary
The overall aim of this project is to introduce the cultivation of Lemna minor as a new protein crop in Flanders.
The concrete objectives of the project are:
- Installing 3 company-specific pilot installations and 7 smaller installations at companies from the primary target group to optimise the cultivation of Lemna minor.
- Testing and evaluating different wintering methods and cooling techniques.
- Optimizing the drying process and protein extraction of water lentils and the evaluation of the nutritional and functional properties of the resulting protein powder and extract.
- Processing fresh and frozen water lentils and water lentil powder in a burger for human consumption with optimal nutritional and organoleptic properties.
- Testing different silage techniques and optimizing feed chunks based on water lentils.
- Collecting knowledge about and following the legislation for the use of water lentils in food and feed
- Start: 1th November 2021
- End: 31th October 2021