Research projects
- BioChroma: Exploring the functional potential of bacterial pigments for innovative food and feed applications
- BlueCC - Commercial exploitation of marine collagen and chitin from marine sources
- Cultivation and processing of duckweed as alternative protein crop in Flanders - LemnaPro
- ECO3
- EffSep
- EFRO GTI WVL-project: Proeftuin voeding-water
- InnCoCells – Innovative high-value cosmetic products from plants and plant cells
- Intelligent-FRY
- Interreg FWVL VEG-i-TEC
- Interreg FWVL-project: VEG-i-TEC (Nl)
- Interreg North West Europe – Water Test Network
- Is Contaminant Iron (Fe) Nutritionally Important?
- Living Lab Food-Water
- Mycotoxins in vegetarian protein-rich food an high-fiber food - MYCOPROF
- ReJuice – Creating sustainable value chains from liquid fractions of green residual streams
- Research Building VEG-i-TEC
- Resilient VEG-i-TEC
- Smart WaterUse
- Valorization of Brussels sprout stalks
- VeggieChain