An innovative packaging machine for small and medium-sized actors


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 101000723.

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Project summary

There is a pressing need to transform current food systems to address economic, social, environmental and health – related issues. Based on the drawbacks and advantagesAfbeelding_Packaging_Machine.JPG of existing short and long food chains, FAIRCHAIN (Innovative technological, organizational and social solutions for FAIRer dairy, fruit and vegetable value CHAINs) seeks to develop intermediate value chains via scaling up small and mid-size actors and the encouragement of down-scaling conventional, larger actors.

VEG-i-TEC, together with an interdisciplinary team of participating companies (Scaldopack, Greenyard, Pack4Food) and research institutions (Inrae, Food Microbiology and Preservation Research Group (Ugent)), is anchored with one of the FAIRCHAIN case studies.

A sustainable, movable, small scale, meeting high hygienic standards packaging machine for diverse products in different packaging sizes (being flexible to the market) will be developed. This will tackle the unfavorable situation at small and mid-sized actors, where manual handling represent a considerable amount of time and hinders productivity and potential exploitation on the market.

More info on the project: https://www.fairchain-h2020.eu

Project results

  • Results of the final event of the Belgian Case - Newsletter in Food Process
  • Tutorial video on hygienic design by Thierry Benezech, (Research director at INRAE)

  • Tutorial video on the impact of air quality during food packaging by Pieter-Jan Loveniers (PhD student at UGent, VEG-i-TEC)

  • Tutorial video on Sustainable packaging solution by Prof. Peter Ragaert (Director at Pack4Food)

    • Demonstration of an intermediate value chain (IVC): hot-filling applesauce into spouted pouches, using a small-scale packaging machine for farmers


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  • November 2020 until October 2024