Research Innovations
Studente Roelke De Paepe wint Bayer prijs 2020
Roelke De Paepe belandde voor haar onderzoek naar vasculaire pathogenen op de tweede plaats voor de Bayer prijs 2020.
Plants can tell themselves they are thirsty
When your plant is thirsty, it makes a sound. Professor Kathy Steppe investigated the phenomenon.
Growing lettuce in a virtual world
Cross-talk is an innovative research project that will focus on the cultivation of lettuce as a model plant for the design of future-oriented vertical production systems.
Spectral light quality influences morphology, growth and nutritional value of Brassica leafy vegetables
Exploring nitrogen and phosphate rich organic waste streams to replace chemical fertilization of hydroponically grown lettuce
Leaf age and light quality influence the basal resistance against Botrytis cinerea in strawberry leaves
Organic fertilizers influence the composition of micro-organisms in the hydroponic cultivation of lettuce
Micro-organisms in vertical lettuce cultivation systems
In vertical lettuce cultivation, the presence of micro-organisms plays a role, in addition to the substrate.
Influence of light quality on growth, morphology and pathogenity of botrytis isolates
Vegetables that aim higher: the future of urban horticulture in Roeselare
In vertical farming, artificial light is needed to ensure that the plants receive enough light in order to grow. But which sort of light gives the best result? This is the focus of one of the studies by a team of bio-engineers from Ghent University.
Today's light research helps determine the agriculture of the future (into space)
Professor Kathy Steppe from the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering talks about the use of lights to grow crops in dark conditions, possibly even in space.