Information for teaching staff Tips and information for lecturers at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering and outside. Information for teaching staff In the spotlight Timeline 2024-2025: what to do when? Lecture recordings: how to deal with them? Quick links Bachelorproefapplicatie FBW Master's dissertation application FBW OASIS UFORA Time Edit (course and examen schedules) Galileo (FBW platform on scientific communication) Education tips Teaching Timeline 2024-2025: what to do when? Teaching Korean (GUGC) students Designing a course unit Lecture recordings: how to deal with them? Generative artificial intelligence (GAI) @FBW (in Dutch) Assessment How to Achieve High-Quality Assessments? Regulation exams @FBW Dates and times for the entry of marks, deliberation and proclamation 2024-2025 Ombudspersons Master's dissertation All about Master's dissertation When to submit and defend 2024-2025? Contact Faculty Office Of Educational Support
Information for teaching staff Tips and information for lecturers at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering and outside. Information for teaching staff In the spotlight Timeline 2024-2025: what to do when? Lecture recordings: how to deal with them? Quick links Bachelorproefapplicatie FBW Master's dissertation application FBW OASIS UFORA Time Edit (course and examen schedules) Galileo (FBW platform on scientific communication) Education tips Teaching Timeline 2024-2025: what to do when? Teaching Korean (GUGC) students Designing a course unit Lecture recordings: how to deal with them? Generative artificial intelligence (GAI) @FBW (in Dutch) Assessment How to Achieve High-Quality Assessments? Regulation exams @FBW Dates and times for the entry of marks, deliberation and proclamation 2024-2025 Ombudspersons Master's dissertation All about Master's dissertation When to submit and defend 2024-2025? Contact Faculty Office Of Educational Support