Master's dissertation for FBW employees

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1. Providing master's dissertation topics: who, what, how and when?

Master's dissertation proposal for fbw employees

You can enter your master's dissertation topics in the master's dissertation application from November until the end of Februari.

Which aspects do you need to take into account:

Following screening and approval by the Programme Committees, the proposed subjects are made accessible to students in april.

2. How are master's dissertation subjects assigned?

Toekenning masterproefonderwerpen-2022_2023 voor medewerkers_EN

EAt the end of March, prior to making their choice, students are informed via a general information session about the Master's thesis process (choice, assignment, rights and obligations of the student, ...).

Choosing a master's dissertation subject

Assigning of the Master's Dissertation

What is expected of students before the start of the master's dissertation?

3. What is expected of you as a promotor and tutor?

Role and responsibility of the promotor

Role and responsibility of the tutor

Student rights and obligations

4. How is the master's dissertation jury composed?

masterproefjury voor medewerkers

Roles and responsibilities of the master's dissertation jury

5. How and when will the master's dissertation be assessed?

Submission deadlines and defence dates

Written dissertation: content and layout

Master's dissertation presentation: content and layout


6. Who to contact for questions?

A general question about the administration or the master's dissertation process? Mail to

7. Info for students