Francqui Chair 2023-2024 Lecture Series
(20-02-2024) After the inaugural lecture on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, Prof. Dr. Sigrid Adriaenssens (Princeton University), in the context of the Francqui Chair, will also present the following lectures.
From Craft to Digital Mastery: Transforming Architectural Forms
Thursday, February 29, 2024, at 6:00 PM in auditorium O, Plateau/Rozier
I will explore the relationship between form and efficiency in surface structures and its relevance for green design and construction practices. I will unravel the distinctions between form found shapes, 'blob' forms, and classical geometrical shapes through the innovative works of famed Belgian and European designers. Along this path, I will shine a spotlight on the categorization of surface structures, their design, mechanics and construction.
Shaping Potential The Fusion of Analog and Digital Form-Finding
Monday, March 4, at 6:00 PM in auditorium O, Plateau/Rozier
In these lectures I will dive into both analog and numerical form-finding techniques by uncovering physical modeling, force-density and dynamic relaxation methods and exploring the potential of Artificial Intelligence. I will illustrate these methods through a series of net, membrane and gridshell projects designed and built by our lab, the Form Finding Lab. You will see how these techniques result in efficient and elegant surface structures.
Humans, Robots, and Virtual Realities: Constructing Tomorrow’s World
Monday, March 6, at 6:00 PM in auditorium P, Plateau/Rozier
I will delve into the synthesis of architectural digital design and construction, integrating robotic and augmented reality techniques. The focus is on the innovative construction of surface structures and is exemplified by our most recent vault design projects. Furthermore, I will also discuss collaborative dynamics with artisans and artists. These interdisciplinary interactions unveil a vision fusing traditional craftsmanship with futuristic design and construction methodologies.
Eco-Innovations and Green Frontiers: Crafting Resilient Structures
Wednesday, March 7, at 6:00 PM in auditorium O, Plateau/Rozier
In this lecture, concepts of sustainability and resilience are intricately woven into the fabric of digital architectural design. The focus is directed toward the digital design methodologies of surface structures, integrating the principles of passive design and the circular economy, adaptive strategies, and principles of extraordinary mechanics. The aim is to contribute to a more harmonious and sustainable interaction between the urban and natural environment.