Career perspectives

Where do our alumni work? 

With a degree in Business Engineering you can follow different career paths. With a strong foundation in business economics, a broad knowledge of new technologies and a strong focus on quantitative analytics in production, services, logistics, marketing and finance, business engineers understand better than anyone else how to improve the efficiency in the various parts of a company’s logistic chain.

The job of a business engineer deals with managing production processes and services, with analytical and quantitative tasks to improve its overall efficiency. As a bridge builder between business economists and engineers, you are able to optimise the decision making process at various levels of the company, ranging from operational decisions on the work floor to strategic decisions at the top level of the company. As an economic agent, you are familiar with the company processes in order to perform cost price calculations, but as an engineer you also have a much wider overview on the company’s logistic processes and their potential for improvements. With the essential knowledge of the latest technologies and the strong background in business analytics, business engineers rely on the state-of-the-art ICT concepts to optimise the business processes. This essential skill is embedded in almost every course of the Business Engineering curriculum and will be key to today’s modern international business strategy.

First time jobs and employers

Some examples of jobs:

  • production manager
  • logistics director
  • production planning expert
  • business consultant
  • business analyst
  • process engineer
  • research & development manager
  • customer relationship manager
  • ...

Some examples of first time employers:



What after graduation?

VEK Career Day

Each year, one of our student associations VEK organises the VEK Career Day. The VEK Career Day presents a wide amount of companies from numerous industries. Are you someone who is still not sure where to grow your career to, or are you someone who does? Are you looking for a business school or does an internship seems to fit you? On this day you get the chance to ask all your question to the recruiters of the attending companies. This will you give you the chance to determine the next step in your young career.

Apply for a PhD

Obtained your master diploma and want to continue your studies at the FEB? The faculty grants admission to the PhD and, upon successful defence of the PhD dissertation, awards the PhD degree. PhD students are supported by their supervisors, who provide individual research coaching, as well as by the Doctoral Schools, which offer training in research.