Poppidups - Virtual puppet show


Children need to play, to be challenged and to be encouraged in their creativity. New digital developments are often seen as a threat to the traditional 'play', but at the same time they open up exciting new possibilities. Poppidups is a new, digital form of puppet play. Cardboard figures, with a QR-code, which can be moved in front of a webcam are displayed in a 3D environment on the screen. Each movement performed with the figure in front of the webcam is followed by the character on the screen. The adventures of the characters can also be recorded and shared on YouTube.

MICT in this study responsible for user research including measuring the adoption potential, co-creation and field testing.

Duration of the project

The project runs from 01/10/2012 - 28/02/2013.

Staff involved

  • Dimitri Schuurman
  • Jeroen Stragier


  • Media Production & Distribution
  • Media Use & Experience
  • ICT & Society

Financed by
