HD²R - Highly Delightful Dynamic Range for Next Generation Digital Cinema and Television
High dynamic range (HDR) images are the next step forward in visualization technology. HDR images are images with a large dynamic range of luminosity that reproduce both very dark and bright areas in realistic detail. Many filmmakers, TV manufacturers, TV broadcasters and (OTT) content providers, such as Netflix, have jumped on the HDR bandwagon. This move is, however, not so obvious for cinemas, as higher brightness requires powerful and expensive laser sources. In addition, the dynamic range of a projected image depends not only on the projector, but also on the room layout.
The HD²R project is researching ways to optimize the viewing experience by using a higher dynamic range of colors, contrast and brightness. To that end, the project will carry out pioneering experiments to achieve the optimal and reliable visual quality, conversion and color correction of HDR images. HD²R is studying all aspects of the imaging chain, from the camera to screening in the cinema or in the living room. The HD²R project aims to define new, technically and financially viable guidelines for the deployment of HDR technology in digital movie theatres and in future television sets.
Duration of the project
The project runs from 01/10/2015– 30/09/2017
Staff involved
● Prof. dr. Jan Van Looy
● dr. Elena Núñez Castellar
● dr. Antonius J. van Rooij
● Tine Vyvey
Financed by
● iMinds