Planidoo - Planning tool for cities and communities


Based on the previous Living Lab research on this innovative planning platform, we will try to find out who the stakeholders are for this innovation. What organizations, governments, communities,... are interested in using the Planidoo platform to organize their events? How can the platform be implemented in their organization structure? What functionality do they prefer? Is the platform missing any functions? How can the Planidoo platform fit within their policy?

iMinds-MICT-UGent will try to answer these questions during a Living Lab research. Mict is responsible for both stakeholder and user research. A first task is to define stakeholders and possible users of the platform. For every stakeholder and user a validation board is created together with PLANIDOO. MICT will conduct interviews with stakeholders and users. Based on the input generated through these interviews, PLANIDOO will adapt the platform. To evaluate these adjustments, a co-creation moment with different stakeholders and users will be organised by MICT. After this session PLANIDOO will again attune the platform to the needs and wants from the stakeholders and users. To finish this research MICT will organize a field trial to test out the innovation. The final steerco of this Living Lab research is a validation workshop together with PLANIDOO.


The project runs from 02/03/2015 - 29/02/2016

Staff involved

  • dr. Dimitri Schuurman
  • Sara Logghe

Financed by