MUSIC - Mastering user living experience in homes with smart sensor environments by creating intuitive concepts

Smart home environment
Ideation by prototyping
Quality of Experience
Product Specific Adoption Potential

How can we understand and design what the future sensor interfaces of a smart home are?

The research in this project is towards a validated methodology to define products based on a next generation of in-wall switches and sockets combined with sensors, which users will buy to add smart home functionality in their residences. The methodology ensures continuous user-input in ideation, co-creation and validation. Optimize ideation by transcending the limited imaginary capacities of users by integration of ‘ideation by design’ and ‘ideation by prototyping’. Optimize co-creation by continuously monitoring tipping points between Quality of Service (what is technologically possible) and Quality of Experience (Appreciation by the user), on a diversity of interaction levels. Optimize more accurate and agile market potential assessments, in order to split between mass market and niche potential.

We at imec-mict-UGent are doing qualitative and quantitative analysis of user needs, prototype development of smart device and Product Specific Adoption Potential analysis in order to give recommendations towards Niko’s product innovation roadmap. 


Partners: Niko, Ten Engineering, Industrial Design Centre (IDC) - Ghent University, Internet Technology and Data Science Lab (IDLab) - Ghent University

Project Duration: 01/07/2017 - 31/12/2019


Contact: Jelle Saldien
