12-02-2025 19:30
Lezing 'Antisociaal gedrag door de bril van Darwin '
13-02-2025 19:00
Lezing 'Culture vs. the state, the state vs. culture. A talk with Viktor Yerofeyev on today’s Russia and Russian culture'
18-02-2025 17:30
Rethink Law: Think Legal Tech
21-02-2025 09:30
Bemiddelen in organisaties en met groepen
21-02-2025 16:00
Happening 'Legal Techathon'
27-02-2025 18:00
51ste PUC Willy Delva: Straf(proces)recht vandaag, morgen en overmorgen
27-02-2025 18:30
Lezing 'Occupation: Russian rule in South-Eastern Ukraine'
10-03-2025 13:00
Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis: Connecting Theory to Practice
12-03-2025 09:00
BISC Conference 12.03.2025
18-03-2025 17:00
Publieke lezing van Marcel Storme Leerstoel-houder Anna Nylund
18-03-2025 17:00
Public Lecture by Marcel Storme Chair Holder Anna Nylund
22-05-2025 08:00
ACCA Conferentie 2025