Scholarship opportunities
Flemish University Development Cooperation (VLIR-UOS) - full scholarships
- MSc in Aquaculture
- MSc in Food Technology
- MSc in Nutrition and Food systems
- MSc in Rural Development
The application and selection procedure of these scholarships is managed by ITC staff. You first need to apply for admission to the programme of your choice (see the "application procedure" section at the programme of your choice in the left hand menu).
Specific eligibility criteria for VLIR-UOS scholarships:
- Applicants can be no older than 35 years at the time of application
- Applicants need to be a national AND resident of one of the 30 scholarship countries at the time of application.
Erasmus Mundus scholarships
ERASMUS Mundus scholarships are available only for the following ERASMUS Mundus Joint Master Programmes:
- IMETE - International Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Engineering
- IMSOGLO - International Master of Science in Soils and Global Change
EIT AVSA scholarships
EIT AVSA scholarships are available only for the following EIT-labelled master programme:
- SINReM - International Master of Science in Sustainable and Innovative Natural Resource Management
LPDP Full Scholarships
A cooperation agreement between Ghent University and Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) enables Indonesian students to complete a Master program study at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering with financial support of the Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education, Ministry of Finance. The scholarship is available for Indonesian nationals only, no older than 35 years, and showing academic excellence and strong leadership skills.
Other full or partial scholarships
Funding by (Semi)governmental agencies for specific target groups
China: China Scholarship Council - CSC
- Central and Latin American candidates: see pages of our CESAM Regional Platform
- Women: Specific scholarships for women
- Serbia: Stipends for Serbian Students
- US: Fullbright
(Semi-) Governmental and International Agencies and Organisations
- ADB (Asian Development Bank)
- AFDB (African Development Bank)
- CEAO (Central Bank of West African States)
- BOAD (West African Development Bank)
- DBJ (Development Bank Japan)
- IsDB (Islamic Development Bank)
- World Bank
- FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization)
- UNDP (United Nations Development Program)
- UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
- WHO (World Health Organization)
Other Agencies and Organisations
- European Funding Guide
- Study Abroad Funding
- Go abroad
- Ford foundation
- Nestle foundation
- Soros Foundation
- Rotary Clubs
Other Announcements
- U.S. Students: Ghent University is eligible as a so-called "Deferment Only" institution for the Federal Student Financial Aid Programs. U.S. students who have pre-existing U.S. Federal Student loans may qualify for a temporary suspension of the student loan repayment obligation (an “in-school deferment”) while attending Ghent University.
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