The World in 2050

Already for 100 years now, we work on the solutions for tomorrow's challenges. Let's take a look into the future as well: our youngest researchers describe their vision on how their field of study will look like in 2050.

Speaking plants - Kathy Steppe

From high-tech production systems to daily bio-weather reports.

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Food safety in 2050 - Andreja Rajkovic

Population growth and the inverted age pyramid, climate change, the spread of pathogens and their evolution and adaptation, linked to the distribution of wealth, migration and inequalities: we've predicted everything mathematically.

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Ignorance is bliss - Carl Lachat

Finally, it has been solved! We know exactly what a healthy diet is. It is now perfectly possible to determine the optimal diet for each individual, taking into account their genetic profile, taste, season, and budget.

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Fifty shades of gray biotechnology - Ramon Ganigue

At the onset of the 21st century our society was confronted with ramping environmental problems, resource scarcity and the challenge of petrochemical detox.

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Future of breweries: interplay of tradition and new technology - Jessika De Clippeleer

Healthy and responsible drinking determines our beer consumption in 2050.

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Everyone living to 100! - Tim De Meyer

Human life expectancy keeps increasing. This is the hard-won result of more prevention and improved medical interventions.

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Microbial Biotechnology 4.0 - Marjan De Mey

Everyone has their own custom-made microbial cell factory.

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Robots and artificial intelligence as a solution to the global chemical pollution crisis - Karel De Schamphelaere

In 2050, chemicals that pose a risk to human health or ecosystems will no longer be used or produced, according to Professor Karel De Schamphelaere's vision of the world in 2050.

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Health care for Crops - Tina Kyndt

In 2050 human nutrition is predominantly plant-based. ‘Thursday Veggie-day’ has been replaced by ‘Sunday Meatday’.

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Mathematics in a changing world – Jan M. Baetens

By 2050 we will be able to simulate life as is using dedicated mathematical models.

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From bad seed to central player in a circular and sustainable food system - Veerle Fievez

Livestock farming, in 2020 still ‘the scapegoat’ in the debate on climate change, will in 2050 (again) play a central role in a sustainable food supply.

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Which planet do you choose? - Hans Verbeeck

"Planet B" At the beginning of 2050, the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere will exceed 550 ppm (parts per million).

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So fair, so sweet…what else? - Marijke D'Haese

Allow me to take you on a journey into the future. Fall 2050. We are in a supermarket. At the fruit display, we search for the sweetest pineapple. All pineapples on the stack look the same; their colour is a mix of green and yellow; they are of the same size, and their crowns count the same number of equally positioned leaves. We seldom go shopping. We have become used to have our groceries delivered to our doorstep as we are subscribed to the shop-as-you-fly-drone service.

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Exploring the chemical space - Matthias D'hooghe

With the first human on Mars, space travel has made a giant leap forward in recent decades. Just like astronauts, chemists dream of long journeys and adventurous explorations through space, albeit the ‘chemical space’...

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Vitamin Sea - Jana Asselman

For as long as we can remember, we have been living together with the sea, often using it as our most important food source. Today it is our most important source of biomolecules.

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Water Independency - Korneel Rabaey

By 2050, about every single house and building is water independent. This implies rainwater is collected and converted to drinking water.

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