Environment (BW20)
- Forest & Nature [ForNaLab]
- Laboratory of Quantitative Forest Ecosystem Science [Q-ForestLab]
- Wood Technology [Woodlab]
- Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab [H-CEL]
- Soil Spatial Inventory Techniques [ORBit]
- Precision Soil and Crop Engineering [PreSco]
- Soil Contamination [SoCon]
- Soil Degradation and Conservation [SoDeCo]
- Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management [SoFer]
- Soil Genesis [SoGen]
- Soil Physics [SoPHy]
Plants and crops (BW21)
- Agricultural entomology, acarology, nematology
- Applied In Vitro Plant Biotechnology
- Applied Mycology and Phenomics
- Biosystems engineering
- Crop protection chemistry
- Horticell
- Kiwiberry
- Phytopathology
- Plant breeding
- Plant ecology
- Predictive breeding
- UAV Research Center
- Weed science
Animal sciences and aquatic ecology (BW22)
- Animal Nutrition and Animal Product Quality
- Aquaculture & Artemia Reference Center
- Aquatic Ecology (AECO)
- Blue Growth Research Lab
- Environmental Toxicology (GhEnToxLab)
- Immunology and Animal Biotechnology
Food Technology, Safety and Health (BW23)
- Food Technology
- Food Microbiology
- Nutrition & Health
- Food Chemistry
- Packaging
- Food Safety & Risk Assessment
Green Chemistry and Technology (BW24)
Campus Coupure Gent
- Biosystems Control (BioCo)
- Analytical Chemistry and Applied Ecochemistry (Ecochem)
- Environmental Organic Chemistry and Technology (EnVOC)
- Sustainable Systems Engineering (STEN)
- Isotope Bioscience Laboratory (ISOFYS)
- Particle and Interfacial Technology (PaInT)
- Synthesis, Bioresources and Bioorganic Chemistry (SynBioC)
- Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass (TCCB)
Campus Schoonmeersen - Kortrijk - Korea
- Laboratory for Chemical Analysis (LCA, Campus Schoonmeersen)
- Laboratory for Circular Process Engineering (LCPE, Campus Kortrijk)
- Laboratory for industrial water and ecotechnology (LIWET, Campus Kortrijk)
- Centre for Environmental and Energy Research (CEER, Campus Korea)
Biotechnology (BW25)
- Center for Microbial Ecology and Technology (CMET)
- Centre for Synthetic Biology (CSB)
- Centre for Industrial Biotechnology and Biocatalysis (InBio)
- Molecular Biotechnology
- Research at Campus Schoonmeersen
Data Analysis and Mathematical Modelling (BW26)
- Advanced process modelling (BIOMATH)
- Knowledge-based, predictive and spatio-temporal modelling (KERMIT)
- Bioinformatics, data-integration and analysis (BIOBIX)
- Statistics (BIOSTAT)
Agricultural economics (BW27)
- Agro-food marketing and consumer behavior
- Institutional, socio-economic and political issues in rural-urban areas (INSPIRA)
- Economics and management of natural resources
- Modelling and Optimasation of Decisions in Economics, Resources, Nature and Agriculture (MODERNA)
- Agri-food marketing and chain management
- Farm management, Agricultural policy and rural environmental economics