Exams June

This isn't your first exam period at Ghent University, however, for your convenience, we listed all practical information again, no stress!

Exam organisation

6 week examination period Mon. 30/05/23 - Sat. 08/07/23
Feedback Thu. 06/07/23 - Sat. 08/07/23
6 week summer recess Mon. 10/07/23 - Sat. 19/08/23

Exam schedule

You can download your personal schedule via Oasis - My Calendar.

Absence procedure

If you are ill or unable to take an exam due to exceptional circumstances and you wish to have the opportunity to take a deferred examination, you must make sure to follow the steps of the absence procedure.

Maximize your study efficiency

Are you tired of wasting time at your desk?
Tired of suddenly wondering after a whole day of studying ‘What was it actually all about?’
Do you like having enough spare time, without decreasing your chances of success?
Do you want to decide how you can do this straight away?

Read all our tips & tricks


The Student Counselling Office organises several workshops. All workshops take place online, in small groups and are free of charge. The workshops take 2 hours each. They organise workshosp about procrastination, fear of failure, wellbeing, etc.

Discover all workshops

Study places

... at Ghent University
As a FEB student, you can use our faculty library on campus Tweekerken to study.
... in Ghent city
You can study almost everywhere: library De Krook, a residential care centre, and so on!