Selected incoming exchange students
Congratulations, your exchange application has been approved and you're registered as an exchange student at UGent so now you're an official participant in our exchange programme!
On this web page you can find a lot of practical info to get started at our Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.
Welcome Days
We recommend you to arrive in Ghent in time so you can participate in the Welcome Days
Upon arrival
- The moment you are fully registered as an exchange student via, they will activate and send your UGent account with login and password. This gives you access to e-mail, Oasis, Ufora, etc.
- Your personal UGent student card gives you access to buildings, computers, restaurants, sport and library facilities at the university. Your student card will be handed out on the Faculty Welcome Day on Friday 7th of February.
- Start of the semester = start of the lessons! See 'Academic calendar'
For most courses strict attendance is required from the start.
- Course registration: the first 2 weeks of the semester you have time to make changes in your course selection and to register your final curriculum.
International Student Guide
Questions about daily life practicalities, leisure or facilities? The International Student Guide offers you an elaborate overview of everything you might want to know before, during and after your studies at Ghent University.
Buddy system
ESN programme: ESN is the International Exchange Student Network and is a volunteering organization. ESN supports exchange students before, during and after their exchange. They organize cultural activities, city trips, sport, etc. You can also make a request for a 'buddy'. Interested? More info can be found on the website from ESN Gent. Registration is required!
Your way on campus
The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration is located in the city center at Campus Tweekerken:
address: Tweekerkenstraat 2, 9000 Gent (multiple entrances): campusplan and city map
- Tweekerkenstraat 2
- Hoveniersberg 24 (building Therminal)
- Sint-Pietersplein 5
- Sint-Pietersplein 6
- Sint-Pietersplein 7
Check out your class locations on the campus floorplan building Hoveniersberg and Tweekerken and campus floorplan buildings Sint-Pietersplein 5-6-7
You will often have classes in other Ghent University buildings as well. Here you can find a summary of the most common class locations at other UGent campuses.
Courses Exchange programme
Good to know:
- Courses in the study field Ma Business Economics and Ma Business Engineering have a strong quantitative and analytical background.
- You can only select courses outside your study field and/or outside your study level with the explicit approval from the UGent lecturer concerned.
- Courses Master Business Economics > for some courses a pre-test will be organized and/or strict attendance is required from the start (see the Ufora course site concerned).
- As Bachelor student you can only access Master courses if you can provide proof that you meet the initial competences/course requirements of the subject AND if you have approval from the lecturer in charge.
- Courses in the study field of Ma Business Economics are taught in a modular schedule and with permanent evaluation! It’s a time slot based teaching approach with active teaching methods and class engagement, organised in teaching blocks of 6 weeks. This means that it will be difficult to match with timetables in other study fields.
- Titles from subjects don't always reflect the content. It is crucial to read the course specifications and initial competences of each course.
- The exchange programme includes all the English instructed subjects at our faculty, composed out of 5 different study fields at 2 different levels. The course schedules from the different study fields are not coordinated to each other!
Overview courses exchange programme 2024-2025 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Course schedule
Tips & tricks:
- The schedules from the different study fields are NOT coordinated to each other. So it is your responsibility to compose a study programme without timetable conflicts.
- If multiple class hours/week are specified for one subject per group, you are expected to attend all of them!
- Courses in the field of Business Economics (Master level!) are taught by a modular timetable and with permanent evaluation! This means that it will be difficult to match with timetables from other study fields.
General course schedule AY 2024-2025:
- 1st semester (winter)
- 2nd semester(spring)
Some tips to check out the schedule:
- the first view looks like a colour book. No worries, this is normal.
- click on the 'Filter' button
- use the 'course event' dropdown menu to select specific courses
- click on 'Filter' and then you can check the schedule of your selection.
Personal course schedule:
The moment your final curriculum is registered in Oasis and submitted for approval, you can obtain a personal class schedule via 'My Calendar' in your Oasis account.
- Timing: do NOT submit your curriculum for approval before the start of the semester, otherwise you won't be able to make changes in your course selection.
Check out the Manual: How to compose and generate your personal schedule in Oasis
Composing your curriculum
- Upon arrival, the first two weeks of the semester (strict deadline!), you have time to 'try out' the courses and make changes in your curriculum.
- Deadline registration for courses from the Master Business Economics = 16/2
- At the end of week 2, you have to make your final curriculum registration
- You need to select a curriculum with a workload of minimum 24 ECTS
- Only select subjects of which you are planning to attend classes and exams!
- We accept maximum 1 language course in your curriculum. Registration is required through the University Language Center (UCT).
- Maximum 40% of the total amount of ECTS in your LA can be selected from an other faculty. It is your own responsibility to contact the lecturer in charge from the subject concerned, to make sure you can enter the course you selected and to consult their time table!
- Selecting subjects on master level: as bachelor student you can select a subject on master level IF you have the explicit approval of the lecturer in charge and IF you meet the initial competences! It is important that you discuss your academic background and the course requirements with the lecturer in person.
Digital Learning Agreement
The Learning Agreement (LA) is an official study contract for student exchange. This is your most important document since it guarantees you to transfer credits to your home university after you have successful completed the exams at the host university.
There are 3 parts in the learning agreement:
- LA BEFORE mobility: this part was completed when you made your exchange application to our university.
- LA DURING mobility: you need to fill out this part upon arrival in case you want to make changes in your curriculum. See also 'Curriculum registration' to find out WHEN and HOW to submit this document.
- LA AFTER mobility: this part will be 'replaced' by the transcript of records, issued by us after the exam period directly to your home university.
Curriculum registration
The first two weeks of the semester you have time to attend alternative subjects compared to your learning agreement BEFORE mobility and to make changes in your curriculum.
To initiate these processes we use Oasis and Ufora , two online student information systems:
- Ufora = official digital learning environment of Ghent University. In this platform each subject has a specific course site. This course site is used by the lecturer in charge to communicate assignments, schedules, group divisions, important announcements, etc.
- Oasis = a database to manage student administration and is the official tool for your curriculum registration.
Important: Oasis synchronizes with Ufora. What you change in Oasis will change in Ufora (not the other way around!)
Provisional registration = week 1 + 2 from the semester
- The course selection from your LA BEFORE mobility, will automatically show in your Oasis and Ufora account upon arrival (except for cancelled courses and 'Dutch for exchange students').
- If you also want to try out other subjects, you need to add these courses before the start of the semester in your Oasis curriculum so you can access the course information on Ufora! See Oasis manual.
- We insist that you attend all the classes you wish to take in order to check if you made a good choice.
- Discuss the changes you want to make with your supervisor at your HOME university!
Final registration = Sunday of week 2 = strict deadline!
- You attended the first lessons? You are sure you meet all the course requirements? You made your final course selection? You have approval from your home university?
- 4x 'yes'? Ok! Now you can proceed...
- Register your final subject selection/curriculum in your Oasis account and submit to approval: manual
- When you make changes in your curriculum (compared to your LA BEFORE mobility), you also need to submit your LA DURING mobility
- This process is repeated at the start of each semester so exchange students staying for 1 year can submit one semester at a time.
- Exams take place at the end of each semester for all courses except those with a system of permanent evaluation and the subjects in the study field Ma Business Economics (evaluation after each 'module').
- Exams are in English and can be either written or oral. Sometimes you will be asked to write a paper instead of writing an exam.
- Dutch taught courses will have an exam in Dutch.
- Results of the exams are definitive.
- In case you failed an exam, you have the right to take a second chance exam during the scheduled second chance period.
- Second chance period = August-September (also for exchange students!)
- Results are only available after the official publication date at the end of each exam period. Also for second chance exams!
Online or long-distance exams are only available when confirmed and organised by the lecturer in charge.
Please note that lecturers are not obliged to organise these exams, and they are not standardly available for (resit) exams.
- We provide a transcript of records by e-mail directly to your home university, after the official publication of the exam results.
Exam schedule 1st sem. : expected in October
Exam schedule 2nd sem. : expected in February-March
Exam schedule resit exams: expected by mid-July
You need to confirm your participation in the resit exams.
For each resit exam in which you will participate, you will have to register by 8 August 2025, at the latest.
With this procedure, we want to optimise the exam logistics and make sure they run as smoothly as possible, e.g. by providing a more accurate number of exam copies.
Registering for exams during the resit exam period:
- via > Configuration schedule groups
- from the day after the public announcement of exam results until 8 August 2024
- your exam schedule will show all exams, whether you have registered for them or not
Q: What happens if I forgot to register before the deadline?
A: Even then, you are still entitled to your second exam opportunity. We will put in place a procedure for late registration but please don't wait for that. If you intend to participate, please register in time.
Q: I did not register for an exam. Do I have an extra exam opportunity now ?
A: No. If you do not participate, you forfeit your resit exam and you will not get an extra exam opportunity at a later date.
Prolongation exchange period
It is not possible to prolong your exchange period. At our faculty, exchange students can only stay for the period they have applied for.
Special status for students
Students with a disability or exceptional social/personal circumstances can apply for a special status. Depending on the grounds on which the special status was given, students may be granted one or more facilities.
Life@Ghent University, student rooms, bicycle rent, student restaurants, etc.
We have a lot to offer!
Student job
- General information about possibilities and regulations
- UGent job service for students
- Studaro: job service for international students (this organisation is not a UGent service)
Where can you print, copy and scan? How do I connect to the wireless internet? ...
And a lot more practical info to find out in our Frequently Asked Questions
- Visiting address: International Office, Campus Tweekerken – Building Hoveniersberg - Ghent , ground floor
Make an appointment to meet us on campus or online
- Postal address: International Office, Tweekerkenstraat 2, 9000 Gent, Belgium