iCinema - Mobile–public screen interactive cinema


The past few years cinema experienced a change from analog to digital projectors. It took longer than expected to integrate them in most cinemas, but now, the digital roll out is beyond its tipping point.

Nevertheless digitalization has more potential than changing from analog to digital projectors. There is still a lot of potential in changing the experiences of a visit to the cinema. The real digital challenge is to find new roles and functions in the broader content value change, in particular in its relationships and interaction with the audience.

The boom of mobile devices and their applications can turn passive screens into interactive public media. It will provide a lot of opportunities:

  • engage the audience into participation
  • create interactive advertisement
  • create new transmedia formats for all media
  • extend the cinema visit into a rich interactive experience
  • increase customer knowledge and visit frequency

Icinema, an iMinds-MIX project, wants to change the cinema experience and workflow from linear to interactive using second screen and interactive formats. A higher involvement and participation of the visitor will be created.

In three stages of the 'Icinema' experience, information of the customer will be generated through prolonged and bi-directional interaction:

  • BEFORE: Building up towards the movie experience and bring the audience sooner to the theatre
  • DURING: Engaging the audience in the cinema complex and during the pre-show, while collecting more and relevant customer data
  • AFTER: Keep the viewers engaged after they have left the movie theatre by relying the experience and building up towards the next experience

The purpose is to research how this interactivity can be realized in a proof-of-concept and what the possible results are in terms of end-user experience and business value for all stakeholders: the customer, the cinema exhibitor, the technical supplier, broader film and media industry player and the advertisers.

The role of MICT will be to gather all the key cinema players in a living lab environment and involve them from the very beginning of the project. Current needs, habits and practice of cinemagoers will be researched and serve as input for the movie 'crowdfunding model', the interactive commercial format and the interactive marketing campaign of a movie.


The project runs from 25/03/2013 - 01/03/2014.

Staff involved

Financed by

  • MIX