Career Days

Preparing for your graduation as a master’s student is essential. Through the Career Days we aim to facilitate your entry into the job market smoothly.


The Career Days consist of a basic program, where you will learn more about who you are, what your interests and talents are, which jobs would fit you … You find out more about the job market and how to effectively apply for a professional job. This short program can be pursued alongside your master’s studies.

For whom

All Master’s students withing the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences.


-> To identify your interests, values, competencies and talents

-> To learn about suitable job careers

-> To position yourself ideally in the job market

-> To practice your communication skills during job applications


Training Transitioning to the Job Market!

In this interactive workshop, you reflect on who you are as a person, what your values and interests are and what skills and talents you have. You find out which type of jobs would fit you.

Dates: 22/11/2023 from 9.30 am to 11.30 am

 More info and enrollment can be found at the Ugent Career Center. To enroll you need to make a personal login at this link.


During the speeddates, you can talk to alumni from your program. You will discover the organizations they work for, the roles they hold, their ambitions and their interests.


=> Sociology: 14/12/23 at 8 PM