Electrical Engineering / Computer Science Engineering / Bioinformatics / Engineering Physics / Photonics / Biomedical Engineering / Nuclear Fusion
Master degree programmes
- Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
- Master of Science in Bioinformatics (main subject: Engineering)
- Master of Science in Computer Science Engineering
- Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
- Master of Science in Engineering Physics
- Master of Science in Photonics
- European Master of Science in Nuclear Fusion and Engineering Physics
- European Master of Science in Photonics
Departments and research groups involved
Human resources (status January 1st, 2021)
(numbers are in full time equivalent)
Professorial Staff = 95.60
Assisting Academic Staff = 51.80
Other Academic Staff = 512.14
Administrative and Technical Staff = 26.40
Other Administrative and Technical Staff = 39.70
Research output
Selection of publications (last 5 years) of the staff members
- Main academic contacts and research partners
- Main industrial contacts and research partners
- Industrial spin-offs:
- Alphabit (acquired by Keysight Technologies)
- Caliopa (acquired by Huawei)
- Comsof
- CoScale (acquired by New Relic)
- Epilog
- Excentis
- FEops
- Gatewing (acquired by Trimble)
- GeoInvent (acquired by Grontmij)
- Graphine Software (aquired by Unity)
- Luceda Photonics
- Molecubes
- Pozyx
- SDNsquare
- Senso2me
- Sigasi
- Shopnosis
- Track4C (acquired by Ubidata)
- Zeticon
Infrastructure highlights
Department of Information Technology (EA05):
- Clean room (Tech Lane Ghent Science Park)
- Electromagnetic Anechoic Chamber (De Krook, Ghent)
- iLab.t (Tech Lane Ghent Science Park, iGent building)
- w-iLab.t (Tech Lane Ghent Science Park, clean room building)
- Dosimetry Lab (Tech Lane Ghent Science Park, iGent building)
Department of Electronics and Information Systems (EA06):
- Art & Science Interaction Lab (ASIL) (De Krook, Ghent)
- Clean room (Tech Lane Ghent Science Park)
- IbiTech - Institute Biomedical Technology (University Hospital)
- INFINITY small animal imaging (University Hospital)
Department of Telecommunications and Information Processing (EA07):
- Electrical bus (Schoonmeersen campus)
- Markerless Motion Analysis Software
- 3D Modelling of Large Environments
Department of Applied Physics (EA17):
- Surface Characterization Lab (Technicum building)
- Center for Molecular Modeling (Tech Lane Ghent Science Park)
- Plasma Engineering Lab (Technicum building)