Happening 'Country Day Colombia'

For whom
Alumni , Employees , Students
14-06-2024 from 10:00 to 14:00
Ghent University Museum and Botanical Garden, K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, 9000 Ghent
CESAM Platform

Report on the outcomes of the mission (December 2023) and some new academic collaboration opportunities and funding possibilities.

During the Country Day Colombia, we will report on the outcomes of the mission (December 2023) and present some new academic collaboration opportunities and funding possibilities. Besides, some cultural highlights will be presented, supported by the Embassy of Colombia.


  • 10.00h Welcome words by Prof. Peter Goethals
  • 10.10h Follow-up on the mission to Colombia 2023 and impact by Mrs. Barbara Claeys
  • 10.25h Funding opportunities: agreement Colfuturo + Global Minds Fund by Mrs. Barbara Claeys and Mr. Steven Schoofs
  • 10.45h Alumni chapter - upcoming events
  • 11.00h Academic links within UGent (research, ITN’s…): sharing good practices
  • 11.30h Peace Agreement, insights by Prof. Clara Burbano
  • 11.45h Cultural information and updates provided and supported by the Embassy of Colombia
  • 12.15h Closing remarks
  • 12.30h Networking lunch
  • 14.00h Free entrance at GUM

Upcoming Country Days

  • 12 September: Chile
  • 7 November: Brazil
  • 12 November: Mexico

Come and discover grant opportunities, new academic collaboration paths or just immerse yourself in the diversity and culture each country has to offer!

More information

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