Make a donation to Ghent University

Your support can make all the difference for a research or educational project that is close to your heart. We'd love to help you find the project that's right for you, with the necessary discretion.

We'll make sure that your gift or bequest is allocated 100% to what's important to you. Please contact the University Fund for more information (contact details below) or check our Dutch website: https://www/

Donations over 40 euros come with a tax certificate, which allows you to recover 45% through your personal income tax.

  • Account number: BE26 3900 9658 0329 (BIC: BBRUBEBB)
Your support, big or small, makes all the difference!

More information?

University Fund

Sint Pietersnieuwstraat 25, 9000 Gent

tel. 09 264 83 32