Guidelines for conducting Scientific Clinical Research at Ghent University and Ghent University Hospital

Ghent University and Ghent University Hospital have jointly drawn up and approved a memorandum of understanding describing the policy and guidelines for the conduct of Scientific Clinical Research or clinical trials.

This memorandum of understanding must be followed as of 1 May 2019 in order to fall within the guidelines of Ghent University and Ghent University Hospital and the applicable legislation.

The objectives of the memorandum of understanding include creating clarity for the researcher by clarifying the workflows for the application and follow-up of Scientific Clinical Research and the resulting valorisation projects, and making the support available for clinical research and valorisation more efficient. In particular, a mandatory notification to the participating institution is required before submitting the project proposal to the potential funder.

In addition, the following topics are addressed:

  • Which research falls within this MoU?
  • Who takes on which tasks within the project follow-up in terms of administration and content?
  • How are the tasks as main person responsible for the research determined?
  • Who act as Sponsor and under which conditions?
  • Agreements on valorisation
  • Agreements on budgeting
  • Agreements around the signing of agreements

For questions we refer to the contact persons (SPOCs) as mentioned in the MoU on page 1.

More information about HIRUZ Clinical Trials Unit (including templates).

Ghent University researchers have access to more internal information about Research with humans in a medical context and Research with humans in a non-medical context.